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Each profile on the LegalHub Directory must be associated with the corresponding attorney's personal law firm email address. All profiles are subject to a moderation period in which the associated LegalHub Account will be reviewed to ensure it corresponds to the attorney's personal law firm email address. If a profile is not associated with the corresponding attorney's personal law firm email address, you will receive a notification that your access to the profile has been revoked. If your access is revoked, you may always create a new profile using the appropriate account associated with the attorney's personal law firm email address.

Each profile must have unique login credentials. LegalHub does not create or allow master logins for multiple profiles. If you are a marketing manager or a marketing consultant and wish to create multiple profiles for your firm or client, please click here and follow the instructions.

By creating your profile, you agree to abide by the LegalHub Terms of Service. You may read more about our privacy policy here.